Manil Gupta


Born in 1978 The artist did his graduation from College of Art, Delhi, BFA (Applied Art) 1999 – 2003.

His work has always been a study of the whole human situation. Inevitably, the images are figurative, coz that’s what we can relate to the most. The protagonist is mostly a reflection of his own self. But it also tries to make a generalized observation/statement. The issues he works on are that of the distancing of human emotions, corporatisation of the society leading to an overall sense of increasing human insensitivity. Its about todays consumer-driven society in a mad rush for (short-term) material gains. Its a clash between our filthy desire for luxury/extravagance and coming to terms with the harsh reality of inequal distribution of resources. Overall its a sincere effort to relish the human predicament in good humour. He has had several group shows some of which include

2006 – The Holi camp,Global arts village, Delhi

2005-06 – Platform (magazine), Prodigy, Olive,Mehrauli, Delhi,

2005 – Eternal Recurrence: The Return: Shanghri La hotel, Delhi,

2005 – Teenscapes, Gallery Artfelt, Delhi,

2005 – Metrospective: Visual Representations of Metrosexuality, Kitab Mahal, Mumbai,

2005 – Navsar (Mercury rising) Visual Arts Gallery, IHC.

The artist lives and works in Delhi.


M Shakeel


Manish Pushkale